Troubleshooting Guide
Common Bug/Crash fixes
1. Reinstall Rebound (delete documents folder, delete loader)
2. Make sure your antivirus is off / rebound services are excluded (or both to be sure)
3. Make sure your game is windowed/borderless
4. Make sure your graphics drivers are fully up to date
5. Try running with DirectX10
6. Make sure you run the rebound loader as admin
7. Make sure you load into single player first, and then press load on the Rebound loader
- if crashing into online, load into single player, disable all spoofs and protections including defaults, then load online
8. Make sure you have the latest C++ REDIST files installed
9. Make sure you aren't carrying too many resources with rebound. (Could be too many vehicles, could be too many people in overseer etc)
10. Make sure you have no overlays (steam, discord etc)
11. Make sure your windows username has no special characters in it
12. Close every application not needed to run GTA
13. Make sure you don't use any external mods for GTA, could be graphics mods/other mods in the GTA directory
14. Reverify game files
15. Reinstall GTA
Last updated